Lakers News

Kobe Bryant's statue unveiling is almost here, Lakers define the Mamba Mentality

Ahead of Thursday's Kobe Bryant statue unveiling, the Lakers players defined what the Mamba Mentality is

By James Brown

Lakers opened up about what the Mamba Mentality is
Lakers opened up about what the Mamba Mentality is
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The Los Angeles Lakers organization and fanbase have this Thursday one of their most anticipated moments in franchise history, the unveiling of probably the greatest purple and gold late legend Kobe Bryant.

Four years have passed since the tragic helicopter crash that took away from the world the lives of Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gigi, but their legacy continues to this day and has stayed in the memory of every Laker and even in the NBA world.

The Lakers organization led by owner and governor Jeanie Buss is finally honoring Kobe with the latest tribute that most fans have been highly anticipating since the moment he retired from the game. LA will be unveiling tomorrow night the statue ahead of their game against the NBA reigning champions the Denver Nuggets, a game which will see the players use again the Mamba uniforms, the most beloved jersey of the last few years.

In memory of Kobe, the Lakers players have been asked to define what is the Mamba Mentality, for Anthony Davis is "the will to win, not only in sports but in life, the work ethic, the killer instinct." D'Angelo Russell defined it as "Activating that killer mentality."

Austin Reaves defines what the Mamba Mentality is

Austin Reaves who is known to be a big Kobe Bryant fan believes that the Mamba Mentality is: "The mindset of doing anything to win, it was all about the work, not taking shortcuts, and at the end of the day just winning."

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