Lakers News

Only current Laker who played with Kobe got chills on the Statue unveiling day

Even when D'Lo didn't play against Denver, he got chills when the crowd chanted Kobe on Statute unveiling day

By James Brown

20/02/2024, 02:00 PM

D'Angelo Russell

On February 8, 2024, the LA Lakers had the unveiling of Kobe Bryant's statue in what became an event the purple and gold nation will never forget, including some of the players as there are many fans of the black mamba and even one of his former teammates.

Only one member of the current Los Angeles Lakers can say they were a teammate of the legendary Kobe Bryant. D’Angelo Russell was drafted second overall by the Lakers in 2015 with his rookie season being Kobe’s final one in the league.

Unfortunately, Russell couldn’t play in the game that night of the day that Kobe's statue was unveiled due to knee soreness and the Lakers were unable to beat the Denver Nuggets. D'Lo could've helped the team get the win, as he has been outstanding and the group barely lost.

D'Lo admitted disappointment in not helping the team in Kobe's night where the crowd gave him chills. “Huge,” Russell responded when asked how big it was for the Lakers to get the win after losing on Kobe’s statue night. “Yesterday obviously I wanted to play and be a part of this movement and give the fans what they were begging to see, just to get the win for him. It brought me chills, to be honest.

D'Angelo Russell had chills with the many fans chantings

“I was talking to one of our security guards that was around when he was around and to hear the crowd chant Kobe like that, that was pretty surreal for me and gave me chills. I haven’t heard that since his last game and to get that feeling back was kind of different. Definitely wanted to get the win for him and for our fans as well.”


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