Lakers News

The Lakers effect, what Anthony Davis believes their rivals do only against them

The Lakers keep struggling on the defensive end as they are the team to receive more 3-point attempts by rivals in the league

By James Brown

12/01/2024, 10:54 PM

Anthony Davis

The Los Angeles Lakers have lost 11 of their last 16 games, they haven't been able to find their step after winning the In-Season Tournament and after Wednesday night's loss to the Phoenix Suns, it is evident the team has one of the worst defenses in the league.

But not only do the Lakers defend poorly, but Anthony Davis believes their rivals significantly improve their shooting efficacy when playing against them as he said that “everybody” shoots well against the team.

“Everybody, no matter what their numbers are, shoots well against us,” Davis said. “If a guy is shooting 10 percent, he’s gonna shoot 40 against us. Just knowing that. There hasn’t been a time where the numbers have told the truth to us when we’ve played guys.

“So we gotta play everybody like they’re Steph [Curry] when they play us because these guys — not just this team — everybody has shot the ball well against us.”

The Lakers winning streak didn't last long thanks to the Suns

The Lakers’ short winning streak of two games came to an end against the Phoenix Suns on Thursday. Before falling to the Suns, Los Angeles had picked up victories over the Los Angeles Clippers and Toronto Raptors. The Suns put together an impressive scoring performance from a collective standpoint against Los Angeles, as the team dropped 127 points on the Lakers while shooting 49.5 percent from the field and 35.9 percent from behind the 3-point line.


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