Lakers News

According to a new studio, the Lakers & Warriors NBA franchises have something in common, isn't good

The Lakers and Warriors have something in common that won't be liked, despite being two of the most competitive and winning franchises in the NBA

By James Brown

The Lakers and Warriors have something in common that won't be liked, despite being two of the most competitive and winning franchises in the NBA

The Los Angeles Lakers have one of the biggest fanbases in all of the NBA, the same goes for the Golden State Warriors who have been able to see it grow in more recent years.

Having some of the largest fanbases in the sport has its risks, as not all of them are level-headed, some are strong on their takes and this could affect some of the players.

The bigger the fanbase is, the more likely it is for there to be cacophonous fans who simply would stop at nothing when it comes to defending the team and players they love.

In the case of the Lakers and Warriors, it seems like a researcher took it upon himself to prove, at least in a systematic manner, that those two popular teams have the most annoying fans in the NBA. According to research made by, the Lakers have the most “annoying” fanbase in the NBA, with the Warriors not too far behind their Pacific Division brethren.

The Lakers and Warriors are two of the most annoying fanbases in the NBA according to a study

“The results revealed that Los Angeles Lakers fans are the most annoying fans in the league, with there being over 12,000 social media posts made over that past year describing them as the most irritating fans in the NBA,” the study states. “Golden State Warriors fans and New York Knicks fans claim second and third place when it comes to grinding the gears of other NBA fans with each fanbase receiving 10,810 and 6,250 posts over the past year, respectively.”


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