Lakers News

Anthony Davis wants to win another championship in the Lakers with LeBron, James' answer surprises

It has been said that LeBron James ended the season frustrated with AD, while Davis wants to win another championship title together

By James Brown

It has been said that LeBron James ended the season frustrated with AD, while Davis wants to win another championship title together
It has been said that LeBron James ended the season frustrated with AD, while Davis wants to win another championship title together
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The rumors have been strong about LeBron James being mad at Anthony Davis in the past season, especially after the LA Lakers were swept by the Denver Nuggets in the WCF to another year without winning the title for the star.

The news was revealed after Anthony Davis' exit interview statement of believing he and LeBron James will be winning another championship trophy with the purple and gold.

But now, the rumors have been revealed to be genuine, but it wasn't personal. LeBron James wasn't mad at Anthony Davis, but he was angry at the fact that both couldn't stay healthy and play simultaneously.

LeBron believes AD with the correct roster still gives him a chance to compete for a title moving forward. With information by Mark Medina: "LeBron is not frustrated AD. LeBron is thankful for AD," a close person to LeBron James told Sportsnaut. "Does he wish both could play and stay healthy the whole time? Of course. But it's not like he wants a guy to go out there and get injured."

LeBron is impressed with Anthony Davis

According to this information, the person that spoke also added that LeBron James had felt increasingly encouraged by Davis for improving his play and durability as the Lakers advanced to the WCF as a No. 7 seed. That gives James some relative hope that he and Davis can stay consistent with their health and performance throughout the 2023-24 season.


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