Lakers News

Austin Reaves considers LeBron James as his mentor after despising him in the past

Even when today everything is love and laughs between Austin Reaves & LeBron James, the SG didn't like the Lakers superstar in the past

By James Brown

Even when today everything is love and laughs between Austin Reaves & LeBron James, the SG didn't like the Lakers superstar in the past
Even when today everything is love and laughs between Austin Reaves & LeBron James, the SG didn't like the Lakers superstar in the past
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The Lakers superstar LeBron James has been very vocal about his love for Austin Reaves, and both have been open to having a mentor and-pupil relationship.

But Austin Reaves has some "dark" history regarding his appreciation for LeBron James, as some fans have discovered old social media history that shows Reaves' despise for LeBron.

The increased level of LeBron-Reaves searches yielded some fans digging into some old posts, which unearthed some rather anti-James sentiments that the 24-year-old used to share proudly.

There was a post from over a decade ago clowning LeBron James for then being ringless using a shrugging picture of Lakers icon Kobe Bryant. James was just two months away from winning his first-ever ring with the Miami Heat. The image had written, "When I need some peace and quiet I set my phone to LeBron mode, no ring."

Reaves and LeBron James have a great relationship now

Even when posts are real, being more than ten years ago, Reaves was less than 15 years old then, so he isn't meant to take it seriously as he was just a kid then, and things have changed for him. Austin Reaves and LeBron James have a great relationship now. 

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