Lakers News

Breaking: Not only Christian Wood, but the Lakers also have four new signings

The Lakers have just announced their latest four signings ahead of training camp

By James Brown

The Lakers have just announced their latest four signings ahead of training camp
The Lakers have just announced their latest four signings ahead of training camp
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A surprising move for the Lakers has seen the announcement of four players, the four are young and will have a short amount of time to catch Ham's attention, this comes right after the recent signing of the big center Christian Wood.

The Lakers have made the official announcement that have signed Vincent Valerio-Bodon, Damion Baugh, Bryce Hamilton, and Scotty Pippen Jr. for exhibit 10. This last one is a returning Laker after being a two-way sign in the last campaign.

Because is a returning player, the announcement of still having around Pippen Jr. has excited the Lakers fans, even when is a long shot to stay in the team as he was one of the standouts for the Southbay Lakers in the previous campaign.

With these four signings, the Lakers currently have 21 players, 14 from the roster, 3 two-way deal rookies and now these 4 exhibit 10 players that will be contending for a roster spot, just like last year did Matt Ryan.

The new four Lakers signings could be battling for the 15th and last spot in the team

The Los Angeles Lakers will be looking for ten days these four players to see if one of them convinces coach Ham to give them an opportunity with the 15th roster spot, just like what happened with Matt Ryan who left a great impression on the team after his 3-point buzzer beater against New Orleans Pelicans to go to overtime and then win the game.

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