Lakers News

Lakers LeBron James vs Nets Kevin Durant, who was better last season?

After the NBA power rankings have been revealed, was KD better than LBJ's last campaign? Begs the question of who is currently better

By James Brown

After the NBA power rankings have been revealed, was KD better than LBJ's last campaign? Begs the question of who is currently better
After the NBA power rankings have been revealed, was KD better than LBJ's last campaign? Begs the question of who is currently better
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A debate about who was better last season was the Brooklyn Nets Kevin Durant or the Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James, once the NBA power rankings were revealed.

In the list, LeBron James is ahead of Durant in 6th place, while the Nets player is in 8th. However, one hottest debate was between Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe. 

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Skip, a LeBron detractor, took KD's side, while Sharpe defended LeBron James. Bayless said: "He (Kevin Durant) led a deeply troubled basketball team to the playoffs last year as opposed to LeBron James, who failed to lead a pretty talented basketball team to miss the playoffs."


While LeBron James "failed" to take the Lakers to the playoffs, the reality is that he still performed great when he was healthy, and Anthony Davis also suffered from injuries. LeBron is still an elite and top NBA player.

The Los Angeles Lakers are training their weaknesses to overcome last year's problems

LeBron James and Anthony Davis have been seen working out to be in great shape and stay healthy for the season, while Russell Westbrook has been working on his 3-point shots. The Lakers are willing to make a remarkable comeback and surprise everyone by contending for the Championship. 

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