Lakers News

LeBron James continues his 'visionary' investments to seek his 2nd billion

The LA Lakers star is known to make investments in different sports and business and his teams purchase has only increased.

By James Brown

The LA Lakers star is known to make investments in different sports and business and his teams purchase has only increased.
The LA Lakers star is known to make investments in different sports and business and his teams purchase has only increased.
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The "kid from Akron" became an NBA superstar playing for one of the best teams in the league: the Los Angeles Lakers. Still, he is also known now as a businessman who is kind of a "visionary" at investing in all types of team sports and business.

And the new one will shock fans, as LeBron is investing by buying, alongside also NBA star Draymond Green and Kevin Love, a Major League Pickleball Team. The shocking part is that many fans don't know what that sport even is.

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The reality is that Pickleball is fastly growing and becoming a significant sport not only in the U.S. but in the world, and investing early on, gives LeBron an edge to continue to ammas his fortune and make it grow to his mostly pretend 2nd billion.

The Lakers star has a knack for forward-thinking investments as the pickleball sport is gaining popularity. Currently, around 4.8 million people in the U.S. are playing the sport, and the goal is to have about 40 million players by 2030, meaning that LeBron's investment will highly pay off big money by thinking ahead.

LeBron James invests about a million and a half per year in his body

Do you want to know the Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James' secret to staying in the best shape possible at the age of 37? Being a billionaire has its perks, as he can invest about a million and a half dollars in his body annually. There is no doubt why he looks great to this day.

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