Lakers News

The NBA media narrative against LeBron James reaches ridiculous levels

The Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James' detractors and NBA media want to see him fail but that isn't going to happen

By James Brown

04/08/2023, 11:38 PM

The Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James' detractors and NBA media want to see him fail but that isn't going to happen

In recent days, the media has been trying to sell the idea that LeBron James 'I promise' school is a failure and wants to get on the Lakers star, but even with that narrative, things aren't how they are trying to sell them.

The headline has been "0% of 8th graders in LeBron's 'I Promise' School have passed the state's math exam since 2018." This seems like a narrative trying to blame LeBron James like he was a teacher, but on this occasion, the most important thing when a new headline comes out isn't the information that's mentioned, but the information that is deliberately left out.

While it's clear that zero students passing a test is a bad thing, there's more to it to have in mind: To qualify for the 'I Promise' School you must come from the bottom 25% of the state's reading exam. And 28% of students at the school have a disability. Most admitted students are not proficient in math at their grade level.

They are also years behind coming in. 42% of these students progressed a full year in math, but they're not proficient at their grade level yet. The entire country is seeing reading and math test scores plummet since the pandemic. Overall, reading and math scores throughout America have been significantly declining since 2012.

LeBron James' detractors are trying to destroy his reputation

LeBron James' purpose of his school is to attack a generational education issue in America, not only for 13-year-olds to pass an exam. There's more to it and James is doing an inspirational and massive task that the media and James detractors are trying to corrupt.


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