Lakers News

The random prediction that is giving the Warriors fans hope over the Lakers

The Lakers are just one game away from closing the series and advancing to the Conference Finals, but the Dubs fans think they are winning in 7

By James Brown

The Lakers are just one game away from closing the series and advancing to the Conference Finals, but the Dubs fans think they are winning in 7
The Lakers are just one game away from closing the series and advancing to the Conference Finals, but the Dubs fans think they are winning in 7
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Hope is what the Warriors fans have, as they still believe their team will turn things around and win the series in 7, and now that a prediction made by a Corgi on Tik Tok has gone viral, they believe more.

There's a short video on Twitter and other social media coming originally from Tik Tok with a Corgi Dog throwing a basketball into a Lakers vs. Warriors basket.

The Corgi has the Warriors winning seven of the series. Still, the crazy thing is that so far, the order of the wins has gone how he did it in the video, the Corgi first made a bucket for the Lakers, then the Warriors, then two consecutive for the Lakers to have a 3-1 lead, exactly how they are now and then makes three buckets for the Warriors to win the series in 7.

This makes the Dubs fans believe in their team, turning the situation around and defeating the Los Angeles Lakers. And while that's, in fact, possible, LeBron James and the rest of the Purple and Gold are focused on getting one more win this series.

Austin Reaves hilarious small talk to NBA ref Scott Foster

Game 4 of the Warriors-Lakers series had it all, but one of the hilarious moments of the game came out when Austin Reaves started talking about golf with NBA ref Scott Foster. Reaves asks if Foster has been to the masters, to which the NBA ref says yes, and then Austin replies with, "That's a Bucket list for me."

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