Lakers News

The two new Lakers signings are official, but are they what the team needs?

As previously reported, the Lakers have just signed two new players in time for starting training camp

By James Brown

As previously reported, the Lakers have just signed two new players in time for starting training camp
As previously reported, the Lakers have just signed two new players in time for starting training camp
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After being reported that the Los Angeles Lakers were having an interest in a former Boston Celtics player, and this wouldn't sit well with fans, as is one of the main Lakers rivals, the reality is that fans are more confused than anything by not knowing one of the new two signings.

As officially announced by the Los Angeles Lakers, their two new players are Dwayne Bacon, a five-season veteran, and the former Boston Celtics rookie Matt Ryan, who had more minutes in the G league than in the NBA.

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Funny enough, many Lakers fans don't know the two players, some of them know about Bacon but still aren't impressed by these two new signings. The reality is that the Lakers will probably stay with the roster as it is now. While the fans were hoping for a significant move or 'blockbuster trade,' it won't happen soon.

Lakers GM Rob Pelinka said they aren't going to rush anything and will continue protecting their two first-round picks, as they think the team's roster is vital as it is now, and there's no need to give their two most significant assets if it is not worthy. So there it is; the two latest lakers players aren't what the fans expected.

Fans are confused and making fun of the Matt Ryan signing.

It all started like a joke for the Lakers fans who were thinking that it was fake news the signing of Matt Ryan, as most in the NBA world don't know him, as he is a rookie and had very few minutes, almost none with Boston, and there is the Colts Quarterback in the NFL with the same name. However, Ryan had impressive stats in the G league last season, so the Lakers hope to translate that to the NBA.  

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