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Unstoppable, the records LeBron James achieves after beating the Warriors

There's no other player in the NBA like LeBron James, who, in his year 20 in the league, continues to be one of the best and keeps building his legacy

By James Brown

There's no other player in the NBA like LeBron James, who, in his year 20 in the league, continues to be one of the best and keeps building his legacy
There's no other player in the NBA like LeBron James, who, in his year 20 in the league, continues to be one of the best and keeps building his legacy
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For many, the Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James is the basketball's GOAT, as he has been able to accomplish in 20 years in the league what no other player has achieved.

And now that the Purple and Gold were able to defeat the Golden State Warriors, LeBron James is one step closer to his goal of winning a 5th championship ring with a chance of getting a potential 6th to tie the championship ring number Michael Jordan has.

But LeBron James has already distanced himself from MJ in other categories, as he has proven after defeating Golden State, James is the first in NBA playoff scoring, the first in steals, the second in assists, and the 4th in rebounds, simply amazing.

The lesson Ja Morant should learn from LeBron James

Ja Morant, the Memphis Grizzlies superstar, keeps creating controversy as he was just found again in a viral video holding a gun after being suspended from the NBA for appearing in another video with a gun. However, Morant should learn from LeBron James' exemplary career, which has kept him out of any controversies.


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