Lakers News

While LeBron bought a 52M mansion when moved to LA, this is where Messi lives in Florida

Now that the football soccer superstar Leonel Messi has moved to the States he has found a mansion to live in, How compare to the one the Lakers star owns

By James Brown

14/09/2023, 08:48 AM

Now that the football soccer superstar Leonel Messi has moved to the States he has found a mansion to live in, How compare to the one the Lakers star owns

Since the moment it was announced that the football soccer superstar Leonel Messi was going to move to the USA to become the new player of Inter Miami, the US sports world was shaken.

Hundreds of celebrities have gone to watch Messi play at the MLS, LeBron James was on his debut, and the two GOATs embrace in a hug and show how much love and respect have for each other.

Now that months have passed, Messi has finally found his new home in Florida, an 11 million mansion, he is just living on another level, even though he has just moved.

But, it still lacks in comparison to the 52 million mansion LeBron James bought after moving to Los Angeles when signed with the purple and gold.

LeBron James has watched two Messi games, will the soccer star do the same?

LeBron James has shown respect and attention by attending two Messi games on his USA stint so far. Once the NBA starts, will Leo Messi attend a Lakers game to watch the king? Only time will tell.


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