Lakers News

With Bronny's presentation with the USC Trojans, what LeBron James does to hype the fans

The hype that has been building towards Bronny James has paid off on his official presentation with the USC Trojans

By James Brown

The hype that has been building towards Bronny James has paid off on his official presentation with the USC Trojans
The hype that has been building towards Bronny James has paid off on his official presentation with the USC Trojans
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After suffering a cardiac arrest more than a month ago during a practice with his USC team, Bronny James is back and has been presented by the team, even when there's still not a specific date of when he'll have his debut.

The most recent reports had Bronny out of danger and capable of resuming his basketball career, but still hasn't been public if he is already working out when his return will be.

For the moment, that hasn't stopped the fans and his father, the Lakers star, LeBron James from being hyped about Bronny playing with the USC Trojans this upcoming NCAA season.

While LeBron skipped playing at College and went straight from High School to the NBA, his eldest son is going a different route, already building a different story.

LeBron James has shared the fans going crazy for Bronny James with his USC uniform

In a USC event, Bronny James was officially presented wearing his USC uniform, while he hasn't had his debut with the team, and the NCAA season is still about to start, the public went nuts and the hype continues to build. 

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