Lakers News

You won't believe who is the most popular Laker player on IG, Besides LeBron

In this day and age is indispensable to have IG as a public figure, but who is the most popular Laker player after LeBron on the app?

By James Brown

In this day and age is indispensable to have IG as a public figure, but who is the most popular Laker player after LeBron on the app?
In this day and age is indispensable to have IG as a public figure, but who is the most popular Laker player after LeBron on the app?
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The level of popularity that the Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James has is out of this world, as few athletes can manage to have that many followers. At the moment, LeBron stands in the out actual number of 134M followers, even more than most countries, insane. And every sponsored post makes him around 425K dollars.

But then, who is the most famous Lakers player after LeBron James? The answer is surprising, as at the moment he is not too liked by the fans, but Russell Westbrook with 20.7M. After Russ, the next most famous star is Anthony Davis, with 7.1M.

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Surprisingly Pat Bev doesn't even reach a Million followers, as it currently has 608K followers. The one above Pat but under the rest is the German player Dennis Schröder who has 2.1M.

The power of LeBron James' popularity transcends to his son.

LeBron James is not the only famous player in the family, as his son Bronny James has an outstanding 6.6M followers and is only 18 years old. However, the power of popularity in the James family is strong thanks to the "King."


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